Profile: She Leads Climate Action

She Leads Climate Action is an inspiring initiative launched by Bays Planet Foundation, dedicated to empowering women and fostering their leadership in tackling climate change. The initiative recognizes the significant role women play in climate action and aims to amplify their voices, champion climate action, and inspire transformative change. By providing women with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources, She Leads Climate Action cultivates a global network of influential female leaders who drive sustainable solutions to combat climate change. The initiative focuses on women empowerment, climate change advocacy, engaging children and young people, storytelling, fellowship programs, and mentorship. By leveraging the power and potential of women leaders, She Leads Climate Action contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and envisions a sustainable world where women play a pivotal role in shaping a resilient and climate-friendly future.



The mission of She Leads Climate Action is to amplify the voices of women, champion climate action, and inspire transformative change. By equipping women with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources, the initiative aims to cultivate a global network of influential female leaders who will drive sustainable solutions to combat climate change and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Our Key Areas of Work:

1. Women Empowerment:

She Leads Climate Action recognizes the significant role women play in climate action and seeks to empower them as catalysts for change. Women constitute about half of the global population and are key stakeholders in achieving the SDGs. However, women and girls are disproportionately affected by climate change impacts, particularly in developing countries. In Nigeria, for example, women make up 48.4% of the population (World Bank, 2021). By empowering women, She Leads Climate Action aims to address gender inequalities and ensure their meaningful participation in climate decision-making processes.


2. Climate Change Advocacy:

By placing climate change at the center of its agenda, She Leads Climate Action aims to contribute to SDG 13: Climate Action. The initiative actively engages in campaigns, events, and initiatives that promote climate justice and sustainable development. Globally, the impacts of climate change are evident, with increasing temperatures, extreme weather events, and rising sea levels affecting vulnerable communities. In Africa, the continent most affected by climate change, approximately 395 million people are at risk due to extreme heat by 2030 (African Development Bank Group, 2021). She Leads Climate Action advocates for urgent action, policy changes, and collaborative efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.


3. Children and Young People:

Recognizing the importance of engaging the younger generation in climate action, She Leads Climate Action works closely with children and young people to inspire and empower them as agents of change. This aligns with SDG 4: Quality Education, and SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. Through educational programs, youth-led initiatives, and creative platforms, the initiative encourages young minds to actively participate in environmental stewardship and adopt sustainable practices. In Nigeria, where the median age is 18.4 years (World Bank, 2021), investing in the education and engagement of young people is crucial for building a sustainable future.


4. Storytelling and Communication:

She Leads Climate Action understands the power of storytelling as a catalyst for social change. By sharing compelling stories of women leaders, the initiative aims to inspire action and mobilize support for the SDGs. Effective communication is key to raising awareness and engaging stakeholders in climate action. Globally, only about 9% of news stories in 2020 focused on climate change (Media Matters for Democracy, 2021). Through various mediums such as digital platforms, media campaigns, and storytelling workshops, She Leads Climate Action amplifies the voices of women leaders and communicates the urgency of climate action.


5. Fellowship Program and Mentorship:

She Leads Climate Action offers a prestigious fellowship program that provides a platform for exceptional women leaders to deepen their knowledge, expand their networks, and enhance their leadership capabilities. This contributes to SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. Through mentorship, guidance, and access to resources, the fellowship program empowers fellows to implement innovative solutions, drive sustainable projects, and become influential climate advocates in their respective fields.


By supporting women in leadership positions, She Leads Climate Action aims to bridge the gender gap and create more inclusive spaces for decision-making processes related to climate change.


She Leads Climate Action, an initiative of Bays Planet Foundation, is at the forefront of fostering women’s leadership in climate action, contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. By combining a focus on women empowerment, climate change advocacy, children and young people, storytelling, fellowship programs, and mentorship, the initiative is creating a powerful network of women leaders who are driving positive change. She Leads Climate Action envisions a sustainable world where women leaders play a pivotal role in shaping a resilient and climate-friendly future for generations to come, while making significant contributions to the SDGs.